The Most Mysterious Star In The Universe May Not Be So Mysterious Mysteries are fun to solve, and some stars can lead perplexed scientific detectives on a merry chase to solve their myriad mesmerizing mysteries. Such a puzzling star is KIC 8462852, frequently referred to as Tabby’s Star or Royajian’s Star. This strange stellar inhabitant …
Month: January 2018
Galaxies On The Edge Glittering like a trillion fireflies on a summer’s night, the galaxies of the Universe host a swarming multitude of dazzling stars, and these stellar performers do their strange cosmic dance within an invisible structure called the Great Cosmic Web. This enormous web-like structure is woven of extremely massive, transparent filaments that …
Tiny, Tiny Failed Star: How We Wonder What You Are Bewitching, bewildering brown dwarfs are genuine “oddballs”–and their existence in the Universe presents astronomers with an intriguing mystery to solve. This is because these stellar “failures” challenge the neat distinction between true stars and giant planets. Brown dwarfs are substellar objects that occupy a mass-range …
Stellar Secrets Revealed In Our Galaxy’s Heart Billions of starlit galaxies wander through intergalactic space, and our own large, spiral Milky Way is just like others of its kind. When we look up at a clear night sky, we see a seemingly endless background of blackness, sparkling with the distant furious fires of myriad stars–and …
Importance Of Universities In Students’ Life People go to a university for a variety of reasons: it might be for a degree, or it is simply the next step in life, or your parents expect it of you, or you want to make the most out of life. Whatever the reason, the university experience is …
How MBA Has Evolved The Path To PGDM And Other Management Courses We all are conscious when it comes to making the right choice while deciding which course to take during the masters or postgraduate phase. India is a developing country with many emerging starts-up and enterprises with every now and then. With a progressive …
How to Choose the Right MBA College That’s Good for You With education being commercialized nowadays, we have many colleges, institutes, B- schools that are coming up with MBA courses and different specializations to make the course as unique as possible so that there will be no competition in the market. Everyone is making an …
Requirements for a University in the USA The variety and sheer volume of universities in the US mean that you can be more confident to find the more suitable institution. To study in the US depending on your study level and subject you may have to take an admission test, like the Graduate Record Examination …
Top 10 Govt MBA Colleges in India Management courses have become the trendy rage today but the characterization of a top MBA Schools in India fall greatly in the favor of government institutes. Government MBA m colleges across India churn out the best management graduates and boast of which government colleges will provide the best …
The Truth About Why You Should Study In Singapore It is no secret that Singapore has been ranked very favourably in many global surveys as one of the best places to study. As a Singaporean educator, I have written this article to give you some tips about why you too should choose Singapore to study. …