The 3 Most Common Nuisance Bat Species in North America

The 3 Most Common Nuisance Bat Species in North America

Right now it’s winter, which means that most bats have already migrated or hibernated for the season. This means that winter is the perfect time to tackle all of your nuisance bat problems, like sealing up entry and exit points, replacing attic insulation, installing new drywall or ceiling boards, and more. This off-season for bats the best window of time for homeowners to begin the ultimate bat proofing system for their property. So when spring comes around, they won’t have to worry so much about the common nuisance bats we deal with in North America. In fact, there are three! Continue reading to learn which bat species are the most common nuisance in our country, and how to get your bat prevention project off the ground.
The Little Brown Bat
The Little Brown bat is one of the most common nuisance bats dealt with in North America. Also called the Little Brown Myotis, and scientifically known as Myotis lucifugus, the Little Brown bat is exactly as it’s monikers suggest: little and brown. Adults males are generally 6 to 10 centimeters, no larger than a human thumb, and weigh and average of 5 to 14 grams. Interestingly enough, females are a bit larger than males, but they both share a signature brown coat of fur, dark brown wing membranes, and a 22 to 27 centimeter wingspan. Little Brown bats are insectivores, and use their 38 teeth and sharp molars and canines to grasp hard-bodied insects, mid-flight. Although they appear to look the same as Indiana bats, the Little Brown bat is distinguishable by the lack of a keel on the calcar and long hairs on the hind feet.
The Big Brown Bat
You can rightly assume that the Big Brown bat is the opposite of the Little Brown bat in many ways, but not all. The Big Brown bat, or Eptesicus fuscus, is brown, but also bigger in size, averaging between 10 to 13 centimeters in length, 14 to 16 grams in weight, and 28 to 33 centimeters in wingspan. They are similar to Little Brown bats in that they are nocturnal, use echolocation for navigation assistance, and maintain an insectivore’s diet.
The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
You wouldn’t think a bat species with this name would be a common nuisance in the U.S., but within all of North America, the Mexican Free-Tailed bat is a frequent one. Also called the Brazilian Free-Tailed bat, or Tadarida brasiliensis, the Mexican Free-Tailed bat is a medium-sized mammal that averages around 9 centimeters in length and 12 grams in weight. They get their name from a characteristic trait: their tails are almost as long as their entire body, and extends beyond the uropatagium. They also have long, narrow wings with pointed tips that aid in their agile flying abilities.
Bat Control
If you have bats in or around your house, notify a licensed bat removal and control company for safe and humane bat exclusion services you can trust. They have the proper tools, training, and equipment to safely remove bats and eliminate bat problems using non-lethal methods.
Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville bat removal you can trust. They are DNR licensed wildlife rescue contractors that offer a wide range of commercial and residential bat removal and control services around the clock. Whether you need bat cleanup and minor attic restorations, or simply need to bat-proof your garage, they are the pros to call for outstanding service and competitive prices.
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